


_camera: Camera


  • Sets the camera's orientation and position to focus on the specified target.


    • target: "all" | Box3 | Sphere | Vim | IObject

      The target object, or 'all' to frame all objects.

    • Optional forward: Vector3

      Optional forward direction after framing.

    Returns void

  • Moves the camera along a specified axis by a given amount.


    • amount: number

      The amount to move the camera.

    • axis: "X" | "Y" | "Z"

      The axis along which to move the camera ('X', 'Y', or 'Z').

    Returns void

  • Moves the camera in a specified 2D direction within a plane defined by the given axes.


    • vector: Vector2

      The 2D vector representing the direction of movement.

    • axes: "XY" | "XZ"

      The axes defining the plane of movement ('XY' or 'XZ').

    Returns void

  • Moves the camera by the specified 3D vector.


    • vector: Vector3

      The 3D vector representing the direction and distance of movement.

    Returns void

  • Orbits the camera around its target by the given angle while maintaining the distance.


    • vector: Vector2

      The 2D vector representing the orbit angles around the X and Y axes.

    Returns void

  • Orbits the camera around its target to align with the given direction.


    • direction: Vector3

      The direction towards which the camera should be oriented.

    Returns void

  • Rotates the camera by the specified angles.


    • angle: Vector2

      The 2D vector representing the rotation angles around the X and Y axes.

    Returns void

  • Moves both the camera and its target to the given positions.


    • position: Vector3

      The new position of the camera.

    • Optional target: Vector3

      The new position of the target (optional).

    Returns any

  • Sets the distance between the camera and its target to the specified value.


    • dist: number

      The new distance between the camera and its target.

    Returns void

  • Changes the distance between the camera and its target by a specified factor.


    • amount: number

      The factor by which to change the distance (e.g., 0.5 for halving the distance, 2 for doubling the distance).

    Returns void

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