Interface representing a camera with various properties and methods for controlling its behavior.


  • ICamera

Implemented by


allowedMovement: Vector3

Represents allowed movement along each axis using a Vector3 object. Each component of the Vector3 should be either 0 or 1 to enable/disable movement along the corresponding axis.

allowedRotation: Vector2

Represents allowed rotation using a Vector2 object. Each component of the Vector2 should be either 0 or 1 to enable/disable rotation around the corresponding axis.

defaultForward: Vector3

The default forward direction that can be used to initialize the camera.

localVelocity: Vector3

The current or target velocity of the camera.

onMoved: ISignal

A signal that is dispatched when camera moves.

onSettingsChanged: ISignal

A signal that is dispatched when camera settings change.

orthographic: boolean

Represents whether the camera projection is orthographic.

speed: number

The camera speed factor.



  • Calculates the frustum size at a given point in the scene.


    The frustum size at the specified point.


    • point: Vector3

      The point in the scene to calculate the frustum size at.

    Returns Vector2

  • Interface for smoothly moving the camera over time.


    The camera movement api.


    • Optional duration: number

      The duration of the camera movement animation.

    • Optional force: boolean

      Set to true to ignore locked axis and rotation.

    Returns CameraMovement

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